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What is Philatecit?

It is a Webpage for and from Citroen-Stamp collectors.

Welcome to my new Database. Here you can find a lot of stamps i have already in my collection, and also some pieces i look for. Feel free to browse through all of them.

The special thing about these stamps are the "TAGs". Every stamp or item in the Database has one "TAG" or more. These TAGs describe the content of the stamp. For example if a stamp shows a 2cv and a Citroen DS, it will have at least two tags: "2cv" and "DS".

"philatecit" is spelled like "site" for "cit". so it's a philate-site, a stamp-collectors-site :-) But "cit" also stands for Citroën.

Have you already known that "phil" comes from lat. "loved", "liked" and "ate" from tax?

Where does it come from?

Philatecit was designed in Austria by Daniel as an Update for an Access-Database which wasn't good enough for the job.

Marken-DB --> Philatecit

Where will it go?

We have the aim to get and provide a complete archive of Stamps and similar Items which contain the picture of a Citroen.